Installing the Silabs CP2102 Driver
A few users have had some issues when installing the drivers on Mac(OSX). This was solved by uninstalling them and re-installing.
To uninstall the driver, please delete the SiLabsUSBDriver.kext file, which should be stored in
HD > Library > Extensions
Once that has been deleted, open the CP210x VCP Driver installer to reinstall.
Installing the YoYo Firmware Uploader
When I download the Software, my browser says it is ‘blocked for security reasons’
Sometimes your browser can recommend you not download the software. To get around this, you need to follow the instructions in the browser and accept the file download
My computer wont allow me to open the YoYo Machines Firmware uploader
This is an issue that can happen on both windows and mac. The pop up may not look exactly like this.
Press “run anyway” to accept the application. This is sometimes hidden on the popup and appears when pressing “more info”
To run the app, you have to go into System Preferences > Security and Privacy and press “open anyway” on the app. This is on the General Tab.
Setting up your device network
Nothing happens when I connect to “Yo-Yo-XXXXX” wifi network
- On some Android devices, a Notification prompt should be pressed to open up the video. See demonstration video ++here++
- If you’re still experiencing issues, you can access the page through a webpage. This can be done by typing ++http://yoyo.local++ . For this to work on mobile, please ensure mobile data is turned off, so that the phone only uses the captive portal network.
I don’t see three blinking lights after powering up my device
If after 2 minutes since powering up your Yo-Yo device you have not seen 3 blue blinks, check your WiFi Networks to check if your device has re-entered set up mode. This usually means there is an issue with the WiFi network.
- YoYo Devices can only connect to WiFi networks with a SSID (Wifi Name) length of 31 characters or less. We are looking into fixing this in the future, but currently we ask you to ensure your WiFi SSID is shorter than 32 characters.
- Otherwise, this could be either a networking issue or an issue with the WiFi credentials. Please check that your wifi details are correct (these are case sensitive)
- Make sure your Yo-Yo device is in range of your Wifi Network. Some issues with connection can happen if the device is too far out of range. If this is the case, the internal blue led will turn on constantly. When the device is back in range, the blue light will go out.
Setting up your hardware
My Board doesn’t have a red light on it
If your board does not have a red light turn on when you plug it in, please check your USB cable and USB power source is not damaged. If this is not the case, please check that nothing is short circuiting between pins of the ESP32. Please check the wiring around the 3v3 pin and GND especially, as if these are accidentally connected together it can cause the board to not turn on.
My Addressable LEDs don’t blink on power up
The two addressable LEDs will blink when you initially power your ESP32. One will be blue (your LED) and one will be red (remote LED) . make sure that you have wired up the LEDs correctly. Double check the wiring using the step by step guide.
My Addressable LED doesn’t blink when I press my capacitive button
- Make sure your Jumper wire used for capacitive touch is connected to pin D4 of the ESP32. This should be labelled on the ESP32.
- If you’re using conductive material to create an extension of the jumper wire used for capacitive touch, make sure it is firmly touching the end of the jumper wire and it is not loose.
The device sets the sensitivity of the capacitive touch when the device initially turns on. Please try not to touch the capacitive touch wire in the first second of powering up as this can affect the sensitivity.